Dogs and Domain

Dogs&Domain is a one stop shop for pet and home care services. Top tier in-home pet boarding, grooming and home care services provide a high quality, reliable, and convenient experience for our clients.

No one loves their pets more than families in the Northwest. Dogs&Domain shares your affinity, love and care for your furry friends. In-home pet care provides a safe and stress free environment for your pet, and provides you with peace of mind. You can relax, knowing your pet is receiving high quality individualized care and support.

We know you don't want to be away from your pet. Dogs&Domain pet care services include complimentary email and photo updates. The D&D team reserves a special moment for video calls during overnight visits, ensuring you spend precious time with your pet while you are away on business or on vacation.

You can rest assured you and your pets are receiving luxury accommodations and support until you return home. Special accommodations for special pets are always welcomed. No task is too big or too small for Dogs &Domain.


Dogs&Domain is a Seattle based company that simplifies your life. We provide luxury level comprehensive pet and home care services to the northwest community

We understand, professionals need time to go to the airport, connect with clients, complete meetings and return home without any additional stress. Families of all types need time to connect and take time to enjoy life

You can return home to a clean and happy home and pet. You are our top priority. Your pets care is our top priority. Connect with Dogs&Domain and allow us to take good care of you, your pet and home.


Dogs&Domain is a Seattle based company that simplifies your life. We provide luxury level comprehensive pet and home care services to the northwest community

We understand, professionals need time to go to the airport, connect with clients, complete meetings and return home without any additional stress. Families of all types need time to connect and take time to enjoy life

You can return home to a clean and happy home and pet. You are our top priority. Your pets care is our top priority. Connect with Dogs&Domain and allow us to take good care of

Dog Care Services

Pet services include In-home pet boarding and cuddle ready grooming, play time, dog walks and training from the comfort of home.

Domain Care Services

Home services include house cleaning and lawn maintenance.Customizable home scents and eco-friendly products are available.

D&D Luxury Packages

The combination of both services provide a worry free and relaxing arrival home.Return to a happy pet and home.

Pet Care Services Drop Down Menu

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Home Care Services Drop Down Menu

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D&D Luxury Services Drop Down Menu

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Your satisfaction as a client is my top priority. My approach is simple, provide high quality care that is memorable and customized just for you.

    • Scheduling
    • Requested services start with a consultation session.
    • Consultations are 30 minutes in length and are completed in person. If you are a busy professional or just on the move, video conference calls are available.

    Founder and Provider | Georgina Ramirez

    Email |

    Phone| 207.713.1205

Georgina goes the extra mile to give exceptional service. I've never seen my dog so well tended to, and I loved the summary email about what she did while we were apart. The guilt of leaving my pet has gone way down with Dogs & Domain as a resource, and it's been sweet to see my dog through another's eyes and careful observations! -Pleased Customer